(mise à jour : 17 octobre 2014)
Retour à l’accueil

Le texte « Une mau­vaise consti­tu­tion… » a été tra­duit par des lec­teurs enthou­siastes :o)
Voi­ci le résul­tat éton­nant de leur tra­vail considérable.

À part la ver­sion anglaise, je n’ai pas véri­fié la fia­bi­li­té des tra­duc­tions (j’en suis bien inca­pable),
mais je leur fais confiance et je m’appuie sur le prin­cipe fort que les idées n’ont pas de pro­prié­taire :o)


Titre et date du docu­ment traduit



Eine schlechte Ver­fas­sung die ein ver­bor­genes Krebs­ges­chwür unse­rer Demo­kra­tie ans Licht bringt
Mar­seille, den 24. April 2005

Ange­la Anakonda


A bad Consti­tu­tion which reveals a can­cer in our demo­cra­cy
Trets (Mar­seille). Upda­ted 2005, 17 june

Anne, Brooke, Mal­colm, Nico­las, Odile, Peter, Pierre, Rai­lane, Sébas­tien, Tan­guy, Yves


Una mala consti­tu­ción que reve­la un cán­cer secre­to de nues­tra demo­cra­cia
Mar­sel­la,  21 de abril de 2005.

Je vous signale aus­si ce blog espa­gnol : http://​insa​cu​la​cion​.blog​spot​.ch/

El sorteo y las cámaras sorteadas como mejoras institucionales de la democracia.

Etienne Chouard, pre­sentó sus aná­li­sis per­so­nales sobre el Tra­ta­do Consti­tu­cio­nal euro­peo. Durante la cam­paña que ante­ce­dió al refe­rén­dum convo­ca­do en Fran­cia, su sitio web se hizo ver­da­de­ra­mente popu­lar en Fran­cia. En contraste con los nebu­lo­sos dis­cur­sos ofi­ciales, la cla­ri­dad de sus argu­men­tos des­pertó el inter­és de un amplio sec­tor del públi­co que consi­de­ra que « lo que bien se concibe, se anun­cia cla­ra­mente ». Este blog inten­ta reu­nir todo el mate­rial dis­po­nible en español… y algo mas. […]


Yves Ropars


Mal­bo­na kons­ti­tu­cio, kiu mal­kaŝas sekre­tan kan­ce­ron de nia demo­kra­tio
teks­to ĝis­da­ti­gi­ta je la 12‑a de apri­lo 2005

Tra­du­ki­ta de J.M. Cash, Emile Mas kaj D. Couturier


Una cat­ti­va cos­ti­tu­zione che rive­la un  can­cro segre­to del­la nos­tra demo­cra­zia
21 mai 2005


Een slechte grond­wet die een geheime kan­ker van onze demo­cra­tie aan het licht brengt
Tekst laatst her­zien op 1 mei 2005

Gaë­tan Dubois pour la langue et Geert De Baets pour l’informatique :o)


En dår­lig for­fat­ning, som afslø­rer en skjult kræfts­vul­st i vores demo­kra­ti (pdfhtmrtf)
Opda­te­ret 17. juni 2005

Traduction/oversættelse : Fen­ja af Fano (mars 2007)

Source des dra­peaux : http://​atlas​geo​.span​.ch/​f​l​a​gs/

Mes confé­rences du prin­temps sur les enjeux de la CRÉATION MONÉTAIRE publique

et sur la cen­tra­li­té du TIRAGE AU SORT dans une démo­cra­tie digne de ce nom

sont en cours de tra­duc­tion avec le même dévoue­ment, c’est for­mi­dable :o)

Voi­là où nous en sommes, par­tie par par­tie : vous trou­ve­rez ci-dessous

les vidéos sous-titrées et les fichiers des sous-titres (déjà tra­duits ou à traduire) :












Confé­rence de Mar­seille (23 avril 2011) :
1ère par­tie : 
les enjeux de la créa­tion monétaire

Étienne Chouard – confé­rence sur la créa­tion… par culture-libre 












1‑CreationMonetaire-fr.isf OK. Éric




1‑CreationMonetaire-en.isf OK. Éric























Confé­rence de Mar­seille (23 avril 2011)
2ème par­tie : Infla­tion et chômage

Etienne Chouard sur l’in­fla­tion par culture-libre 












2‑InflationChomage-fr.isf OK. Éric
















2‑InflationChomage-po.isf OK. Rémi le Touareg













Confé­rence de Mar­seille (23 avril 2011) :
3ème par­tie :
Le tirage au sort comme bombe
poli­ti­que­ment durable contre l’o­li­gar­chie

Étienne Chouard – Confé­rence : Le tirage au sort… par culture-libre

Mer­ci à tous pour votre gen­tillesse et pour votre dévoue­ment !
On sera plus forts quand on sera plus nom­breux sur terre
à avoir com­pris cette clef de lec­ture cen­trale
de notre impuis­sance politique. 













3‑TirageAuSort-fr.isf Éric



3‑TirageAuSort-en.isf OK.

Ce chan­tier consi­dé­rable paraît prêt. MERCI !



3‑TirageAuSort-al.isf OK.

Ce chan­tier consi­dé­rable paraît prêt. MERCI !



3‑TirageAuSort-es.isf OK.

Ce chan­tier consi­dé­rable paraît prêt. MERCI !



LIENS pour le chan­tier col­lec­tif PORTUGAIS
avec Google Doc :

• Frag­ment 01, minutes 1 à 14 En cours…

• Frag­ment 02, minutes 15 à 30 En cours…

• Frag­ment 03, minutes 30 à 45 En cours…

• Frag­ment 04, minutes 45 à 60 En cours…

• Frag­ment 05, minutes 60 à 75 En cours…

• Frag­ment 06, minutes 75 à 90 En cours…



LIENS pour le chan­tier col­lec­tif ITALIEN
avec Google Doc :

• Frag­ment 01, minutes 1 à 14 En cours…

• Frag­ment 02, minutes 15 à 30 En cours…

• Frag­ment 03, minutes 30 à 45 En cours…

• Frag­ment 04, minutes 45 à 60 En cours…

• Frag­ment 05, minutes 60 à 75 En cours…

• Frag­ment 06, minutes 75 à 90 En cours… 








Confé­rence de Six-Fours (20 février 2011) :
L’exemple amé­ri­cain de
l’ar­naque de la créa­tion moné­taire pri­vée (Fed)
et de l’im­pôt sur le reve­nu






Anglais OK.

Espa­gnol OK.














Il y a plu­sieurs fils de dis­cus­sion à pro­pos des tra­duc­tions des vidéos :

Chers amis,

J’ai l’im­pres­sion que vous êtes nom­breux par ici à ne JAMAIS mettre les pieds sur Face­book, par prin­cipe ou par pru­dence. (On peut remar­quer qu’in­ver­se­ment, il y a un grand nombre d’ha­bi­tués de Face­book qui y trouvent presque tout leur compte et n’en sortent que rarement.)

C’est pour­quoi je vous reco­pie ici quelques traces du tra­vail extra­or­di­naire que mènent (tous les jours) les « gen­tils virus tra­duc­teurs », en uti­li­sant Face­book et Amara.


Ce tra­vail col­la­bo­ra­tif de com­pi­la­tion et de tra­duc­tion peut sûre­ment ser­vir à ceux qui refusent de mettre les pieds sur Face­book mais veulent quand même aider à dif­fu­ser en d’autres langues le mes­sage radi­cal que « ce n’est pas aux hommes au pou­voir d’é­crire les règles du pou­voir ».

Je vous remer­cie tous pour votre dévoue­ment ; très émou­vant ; et ravigotant 🙂


Vidéos Tra­duites
Par Luis Bical­ho dans Équipe des Virus Traducteurs


Ci-des­sous la liste de toutes les tra­duc­tions terminées.


L’ar­naque de l’im­pôt sur le reve­nu (6minutes) @Six-Fours du 20/02/11
Vidéo ori­gi­nale (Fran­çais, Anglais, Alle­mand, Espa­gnol)

Vidéo tra­duite sur Ama­ra (Fran­çais, Anglais, Alle­mand, Espa­gnol)

Par­tie 1 de la Confé­rence @Marseille du 23/04/11 : les enjeux de la créa­tion moné­taire
Vidéo ori­gi­nale sous-titrée (Fran­çais, Anglais)


Par­tie 2 : infla­tion et chô­mage
Vidéo ori­gi­nale sous-titrée (Fran­çais, Por­tu­gais)


Par­tie 3 : Le tirage au sort comme bombe poli­ti­que­ment durable contre l’o­li­gar­chie
Vidéo ori­gi­nale sous-titrée (Fran­çais, Alle­mand, Anglais, Espa­gnol)


Confé­rence @TEDX
Vidéo ori­gi­nale sous-titrée (Fran­çais, Anglais, Espa­gnol, Ita­lien, Portugais)

Vidéo tra­duite sur Ama­ra (Fran­çais, Anglais, Espa­gnol, Por­tu­gais, Ita­lien, Sué­dois, Rou­main, Cata­lan, Bul­gare) Hon­grois en cours.

Avec Syl­vain Durain (La liber­té d’ex­pres­sion)
Vidéo tra­duite sur Ama­ra (Fran­çais, Anglais)

Vidéos trans­crites en cours de Tra­duc­tion !
Par Ben­ja­min Poly, Pas­cal Nime et Luis Bical­ho dans le Équipe des Virus Traducteurs


Pour les nou­veaux … et les autres aus­si ! Voi­ci les chan­tiers ouverts, et toute les vidéos dont la trans­crip­tion en fran­çais est terminée.

Y sont indi­quées les tra­duc­tions com­men­cées, et celles qui néces­sitent encore une relecture !

N’hé­si­tez pas à com­men­cer une tra­duc­tion dans la langue que vous connais­sez, les autres vous aide­ront ! Signa­lez-vous sur le groupe !

Confé­rence TEDX (ter­mi­née en Fran­çais, Anglais, Espa­gnol, Cata­lan, Por­tu­gais, Ita­lien, Rou­main, Sué­dois, Bulgare)


Por­tu­gais (bré­si­lien) : 100% BESOIN d’une RELECTURE
Ita­lien : 100%, BESOIN d’une RELECTURE
Cata­lan : IDEM
Rou­main : IDEM
Hon­grois : 9 %
Si vous faites la relec­ture, signa­lez-vous, merci !…

Confé­rence de Genève avec Myret Zaki (Fran­çais à ter­mi­ner !)

Anglais : 124 lignes
Alle­mand : 7%
Espa­gnol : 3%

Guille­min explique Robes­pierre et la révo­lu­tion fran­çaise


Confé­rence à Mar­seille : Le tirage au sort comme bombe poli­ti­que­ment durable contre l’o­li­gar­chie (ter­mi­née en Alle­mand, Anglais, Fran­çais, Espagnol)


Ita­lien : 90% espace de tra­vail ici=> PARTIE 6, https://​docs​.google​.com/​d​o​c​u​m​e​n​t​/​d​/​1​b​m​y​l​j​w​u​G​m​k​F​q​L​a​J​B​Q​6​P​U​x​q​q​_​e​C​M​7​_​G​f​-​j​g​g​5​f​g​B​x​3​d​s​/​e​d​i​t​?​h​l​=fr
Por­tu­gais : espace de tra­vail ici => PARTIE 1

Confé­rence de Mont­pel­lier 14/03/12 (Fran­çais, Espa­gnol ter­mi­né) http://​www​.uni​ver​sal​sub​titles​.org/​f​r​/​v​i​d​e​o​s​/​h​8​Z​F​g​j​y​L​G​e​X​S​/​i​n​f​o​/​l​a​-​v​r​a​i​e​-​d​e​m​o​c​r​a​t​i​e​-​l​e​-​t​i​r​a​g​e​-​a​u​-​s​o​r​t​-​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​m​o​n​t​p​e​l​l​i​e​r​-​1​4​-​m​a​r​s​-​2​0​12/

Anglais (33%)

Avec Syl­vain Durain (Le pro­blème du vol moné­taire)
Anglais 239 lignes

Confé­rence de Lyon (ouverte aux tra­duc­tions!)
Par­tie I
Anglais (31%)

Par­tie 2

Par­tie 3

Par­tie 4

Confé­rence de Metz (ouverte aux tra­duc­tions !)

10 rai­sons de sor­tir de l’UE 13 (ouverte aux tra­duc­tions !)

RUSSE : 31 lignes

Trans­crip­tion de la par­tie 23

Trans­crip­tion de la par­tie 3/3

Avec Syl­vain Durain (La liber­té d’ex­pres­sion)

Trans­crip­tion de la Par­tie 2 sur Dot­sub :

Avec Syl­vain Durain (La nov­langue)

Avec Syl­vain Durain (La dette et la fin de l’E­tat pro­vi­dence)

L’ar­naque de l’im­pôt sur le reve­nu (ter­mi­née en anglais, espa­gnol, alle­mand, fran­çais)

@Radio Ici et Main­te­nant 04/05/2012
Par­tie I

@Rendez-vous Blanc 16/02/2012

Jacques Tes­tart sur les confé­rences de citoyens

Liste de toutes les vidéos !!! EN CONSTRUCTION
Par Luis Bical­ho et Mat­thieu Wadoux dans Équipe des Virus Traducteurs



Recen­se­ment de toutes les vidéos non trans­crites d’E­tienne Chouard ouvertes à la Transcription

https://​old​.chouard​.org/​E​u​r​o​p​e​/​m​u​l​t​i​m​e​d​i​a​/​E​_​C​h​o​u​a​r​d​_​B​r​u​x​e​l​l​e​s​_​2​5​_​m​a​r​s​_​2​0​1​2​-​p​o​u​r​-​u​n​-​p​e​u​p​l​e​-​c​o​n​s​t​i​t​u​a​n​t​_​m​o​n​t​a​g​e​_​r​e​d​u​i​t​_​1​5​_​m​i​n​.​mp3 Étienne Chouard @FR3 01/05/2005 http://​leweb2​ze​ro​.tv/​m​u​l​t​i​p​o​d​2​/​s​a​m​s​a​r​a​_​7​3​4​5​f​1​e​5​4​7​c​9​a9c

Etienne Chouard avant l’é­mis­sion tra­vaux publics France culture 23/04/2007

Etienne @LCP 05/2007
Entier https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​m​l​m​l​5​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​l​e​-​t​i​r​a​g​e​-​a​u​-​s​o​r​t​-​d​e​s​-​d​e​p​u​t​e​s​-​l​c​p​_​n​ews


Etienne @Arles 19/12/2007

Etienne @IEP Aix 15/01/2008
13 min https://​you​tu​.be/​h​F​o​F​o​k​H​B​_ms
ENTIER1/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​g​t​y​q​b​f​h​X​nIE
ENTIER2/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​u​m​Y​3​r​m​i​n​Q5o
ENTIER1/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​f​D​s​h​R​y​t​H​-hE
ENTIER 2/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​1​P​d​U​G​_​J​G​iDU
et 12 https://​you​tu​.be/​q​2​a​x​6​4​N​1​ZN8
2/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​P​W​E​P​a​4​k​W​UfM

Etienne @Nantes 21/03/2008

Etienne @interview 12/2008
1 https://​you​tu​.be/​C​S​o​9​M​P​P​t​lJc
2 https://​you​tu​.be/​7​x​i​S​m​w​T​Z​YAE

Etienne @culture libre créa­tion moné­taire 1 l’argent dette mi-mars 2011
13:50 https://​you​tu​.be/​8​9​P​f​q​n​b​U​GdA
et https://​you​tu​.be/​G​d​S​r​v​1​M​0​5sE
et https://​you​tu​.be/​m​J​0​s​z​T​y​A​Tc0
et https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​h​i​y​m​d​_​e​n​t​r​e​t​i​e​n​-​a​v​e​c​-​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​1​-​l​-​a​r​g​e​n​t​-​d​e​t​t​e​_​n​ews

Etienne @culture libre créa­tion moné­taire 2 com­ment les banques ruinent les états (com­plot et impôt sur le reve­nu)
12 9min https://​you​tu​.be/​W​a​g​Y​K​Q​O​W​aus
et https://​you​tu​.be/​I​D​k​t​B​t​d​0​ai8
2/2 11min https://​you​tu​.be/​h​t​o​z​N​s​r​M​J6g
en une par­tie 21min https://​you​tu​.be/​9​c​m​K​0​4​y​b​RAg
et https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​h​j​g​r​q​_​e​n​t​r​e​t​i​e​n​-​a​v​e​c​-​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​2​-​c​o​m​p​l​o​t​-​e​t​-​i​m​p​o​t​_​n​ews

Etienne @culture libre Le sys­tème élec­tif

Etienne @culture libre Le tirage au sort

Etienne @Cannes Ago­raFM 16/03/2011

Etienne @Nice 29/04/2011
entier : https://​you​tu​.be/​n​x​n​c​7​V​g​m​-cc MAIS PAS D’IMAGE
12 https://​you​tu​.be/​s​B​o​i​f​w​W​u​JLA
2/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​y​C​k​v​8​e​7​1​MNo

Etienne @Montpellier 22/09/2011 Amis du monde diplo­ma­tique–1‑4_news–2‑4_news–3‑4_news–4‑4_news

Etienne @Chambéry Forum Social Local Tvnet­ci­toyenne 24/09/2011
Inter­view https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​a​h​b​8​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​r​e​p​o​n​d​-​a​u​x​-​q​u​e​s​t​i​o​n​s​-​d​e​-​l​a​-​t​v​n​e​t​_​n​ews

Etienne @Metz 10/2011
16 https://​you​tu​.be/​x​Y​V​p​O​P​K​n​MFk
ou https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​m​b​c​v​h​_​1​-​6​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​m​e​t​z​-​o​c​t​2​0​1​1​-​e​n​j​e​u​x​-​c​o​n​s​t​i​t​u​t​i​o​n​_​n​ews
26 https://​you​tu​.be/​r​D​G​e​E​d​C​x​Xqc
ou https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​m​c​s​z​t​_​2​-​6​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​m​e​t​z​-​o​c​t​2​0​1​1​-​u​e​-​c​h​o​m​a​g​e​-​d​e​-​m​a​s​s​e​_​n​ews
36 https://​you​tu​.be/​w​h​f​Z​5​E​Z​6​R8Q
ou https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​m​f​k​3​h​_​3​-​6​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​m​e​t​z​-​o​c​t​2​0​1​1​-​u​e​-​d​i​c​t​a​t​u​r​e​-​d​e​s​-​m​a​r​c​h​e​s​-​f​i​n​a​n​c​i​e​r​s​-​s​a​b​o​r​d​a​g​e​-​m​o​n​e​t​a​i​r​e​_​n​ews
46 https://​you​tu​.be/​9​m​7​1​p​2​X​M​28c
ou https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​m​j​l​u​s​_​4​-​6​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​m​e​t​z​-​o​c​t​2​0​1​1​-​l​-​u​e​-​d​e​s​-​l​o​i​s​-​s​a​n​s​-​p​a​r​l​e​m​e​n​t​_​n​ews
56 https://​you​tu​.be/​J​k​p​T​F​k​b​R​764
ou https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​m​n​z​4​t​_​5​-​6​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​m​e​t​z​-​o​c​t​2​0​1​1​-​m​o​n​n​a​i​e​-​c​h​o​m​a​g​e​-​l​-​a​l​t​e​r​n​a​t​i​v​e​-​d​e​s​-​c​o​t​i​s​a​t​i​o​n​s​_​n​ews
6/6 https://​you​tu​.be/​b​f​r​I​v​H​L​J​088
ou https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​n​3​x​2​x​_​6​-​6​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​m​e​t​z​-​o​c​t​2​0​1​1​-​d​e​m​o​c​r​a​t​i​e​-​t​i​r​a​g​e​-​a​u​-​s​o​r​t​_​n​ews
OU en 2 par­ties
12 https://​you​tu​.be/​o​N​o​d​_​l​h​j​pOs
2/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​j​_​3​P​K​x​-​L​Fn4
En 17 par­ties https://​you​tu​.be/​D​H​v​x​Z​l​x​G​IoM

Etienne @Indignés 14/11/2011 05:15

Etienne @Namur 18/11/2011
112 https://​you​tu​.be/​Y​B​n​I​M​Z​-​T​ZL0
et le reste sur http://​www​.you​tube​.com/​u​s​e​r​/​d​o​d​u​d​i​d​ier

Etienne @Bruxelles 19/11/2011
13 : http://​bam​bu​ser​.com/​c​h​a​n​n​e​l​/​c​o​n​v​e​r​g​e​n​c​e​s​l​u​t​t​e​s​/​b​r​o​a​d​c​a​s​t​/​2​1​4​0​799
23 : http://​bam​bu​ser​.com/​c​h​a​n​n​e​l​/​c​o​n​v​e​r​g​e​n​c​e​s​l​u​t​t​e​s​/​b​r​o​a​d​c​a​s​t​/​2​1​4​0​896
3 : 3 http://​bam​bu​ser​.com/​c​h​a​n​n​e​l​/​c​o​n​v​e​r​g​e​n​c​e​s​l​u​t​t​e​s​/​b​r​o​a​d​c​a​s​t​/​2​1​4​1​110

Etienne @Extraits du film « la dette » 11/2011
https://​you​tu​.be/​e​F​u​M​8​F​h​a​OxM qui fabrique l’argent ?
https://​you​tu​.be/​X​V​b​k​O​k​W​V​xkc l’argent est-il rare ?
https://​you​tu​.be/​L​7​M​f​5​P​j​H​Etg La dette, un outil d’op­pres­sion
https://​you​tu​.be/​s​U​I​1​2​Z​_​4​_Jw Les causes du défi­cit bud­gé­taire sont-elles une aug­men­ta­tion des dépenses ?

L’E­tat et les banques, les desous d’un hold-up his­to­rique avec Myret Zaki 03/12/2011

ver­sion enri­chie : http://​vimeo​.com/​3​7​7​0​4​340
et https://​you​tu​.be/​1​W​n​n​h​e​b​4​XPU
et en 10 par­ties https://​you​tu​.be/​J​J​s​J​9​O​a​R​qeM
et https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​n​8​3​c​j​_​l​-​e​t​a​t​-​e​t​-​l​e​s​-​b​a​n​q​u​e​s​-​l​e​s​-​d​e​s​s​o​u​s​-​d​-​u​n​-​h​o​l​d​-​u​p​-​h​i​s​t​o​r​i​q​u​e​-​p​a​r​-​m​y​r​e​t​-​z​a​k​i​-​e​t​-​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​_​n​ews

Etienne @attac à Gap 02/2012‑o

Etienne @Paris 15/02/2012
12 https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​o​u​4​c​n​_​c​o​n​f​e​r​e​n​c​e​-​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​p​a​r​i​s​-​p​a​r​t​i​e​-​1​_​n​ews
2/2 https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​o​u​4​e​f​_​c​o​n​f​e​r​e​n​c​e​-​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​p​a​r​i​s​-​p​a​r​t​i​e​-​2​_​n​ews

Etienne @Rendez-vous Blanc 16/02/2012
et https://​you​tu​.be/​C​K​c​G​_​s​5​f​9CA
et https://​you​tu​.be/​H​F​T​x​7​a​Q​S​dOI
+ DISCUSSION https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​o​u​w​x​p​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​s​u​r​-​l​-​e​t​a​b​l​i​s​s​e​m​e​n​t​-​d​e​-​l​a​-​d​e​m​o​c​r​a​t​i​e​-​a​v​e​c​-​d​e​s​-​c​a​n​d​i​d​a​t​s​-​t​i​r​e​s​-​a​u​-​s​o​r​t​-​p​r​e​s​e​n​t​e​s​-​a​u​x​_​n​ews

Etienne @Six-Fours 20/02/11‑1–2_news‑2–2_news

-6 min https://​you​tu​.be/​F​x​z​Q​r​P​m​T​Clg ou https://​you​tu​.be/​h​t​o​z​N​s​r​M​J6g MODÈLE DU BUZZ-VIRUS 88000 vues et tous les dou­blons :
-https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​g​d​z​l​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​l​-​a​r​n​a​q​u​e​-​d​e​-​l​-​i​m​p​o​t​-​s​u​r​-​l​e​-​r​e​v​e​n​u​_​n​ews (ori­gi­nale!!)

Etienne @Toulouse 24/02/2012–02-2012-partie‑1–6_news–02-2012–2‑6_news–02-2012–3‑6_news–02-2012–4‑6_webcam–02-2012–5‑6_news–02-2012–6‑6_news

Etienne @Montpellier 14/03/12
et https://​you​tu​.be/​5​O​K​c​T​i​m​5​L8E
et https://​you​tu​.be/​J​p​4​h​j​1​K​e​2eU
et http://​vimeo​.com/​3​9​0​6​0​391

Etienne @Lyon 0312
Par­tie I https://​you​tu​.be/​e​E​n​A​T​S​y​X​L3g
Par­tie II https://​you​tu​.be/​O​G​Q​J​F​B​5​t​Q6g
Par­tie III https://​you​tu​.be/​4​5​u​x​E​C​d​-​mZ8
Par­tie IV https://​you​tu​.be/​f​S​Y​1​X​7​O​1​4CU
Par­tie V http://​you​tu​.be/​9​X​i​r​g​0​M​N​tS0
Par­tie VI http://​you​tu​.be/​9​z​C​p​k​6​j​E​V2w
Par­tie VII http://​you​tu​.be/​k​X​Z​Q​6​a​J​h​d7A

@Lyon 05/05/12

Europe 15‑1–5‑entretien-avec-etienne-c_news

Etienne sur la mon­dia­li­sa­tion
Etienne @Thierry Crou­zet, en 3 par­ties ici : https://​you​tu​.be/​5​t​I​m​7​-​Q​g​HnU (2÷3)
12 https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​1​d​q​1​d​_​p​o​u​r​-​u​n​e​-​a​s​s​e​m​b​l​e​e​-​c​o​n​s​t​i​t​u​a​n​t​e​-​1​_​n​ews
2/2 https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​1​d​q​5​m​_​p​o​u​r​-​u​n​e​-​a​s​s​e​m​b​l​e​e​-​c​o​n​s​t​i​t​u​a​n​t​e​-​2​_​n​ews
12 https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​1​c​w​v​l​_​a​s​s​e​m​b​l​e​e​-​c​o​n​s​t​i​t​u​a​n​t​e​-​c​i​t​o​y​e​n​n​e​_​n​ews
2/2 https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​1​c​x​3​5​_​a​s​s​e​m​b​l​e​e​-​c​o​n​s​t​i​t​u​a​n​t​e​-​c​i​t​o​y​e​n​n​e​-​2​_​n​ews

Etienne @Sylvain Durain Hugo Cha­vez 28/09/11
ET https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​d​t​z​g​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​h​u​g​o​-​c​h​a​v​e​z​-​l​a​-​s​o​t​t​i​s​e​-​d​e​s​-​a​n​t​i​f​a​s​_​w​e​b​cam

Etienne @ Jean Robin (2:11:00)
https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​5​r​5​h​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​s​o​m​m​e​s​-​n​o​u​s​-​e​n​-​d​e​m​o​c​r​a​t​i​e​_​n​ews (ori­gi­nale!)

Etienne @ Yvan Blot
ver­sion courte : https://​vimeo​.com/​3​8​2​6​3​751

12 https://​you​tu​.be/​R​R​Q​0​G​j​6​9​lAM
2/2 https://​you​tu​.be/​4​h​y​y​r​p​w​h​fKo

Etienne @Le libre TS le 02/10/2011
courte sélec­tion https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​d​s​c​b​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​s​u​r​-​l​e​-​l​t​s​-​l​e​-​2​-​o​c​t​o​b​r​e​_​n​ews

Etienne @Radio Cour­toi­sie le 15/11/2011‑x-TVs-CbE

Etienne @Radio Enghien le 14/02/2012

Etienne @Ici et main­te­nant 25/10/2011

Etienne @ ici et main­te­nant 04/05/2012

==========MONTAGES ou EXTRAITS non iden­ti­fiés
https://​you​tu​.be/​Z​W​S​X​U​0​m​C​xT0 Radio ? Team­speak ? La fausse démo­cra­tie en 10 minutes (11min)
ET https://​you​tu​.be/​p​j​T​P​u​8​n​b​UL8
incon­nu : https://​you​tu​.be/​k​s​B​i​v​5​L​_​bJk
best of https://​you​tu​.be/​w​o​B​J​i​q​D​v​1w8
incon­nu : https://​you​tu​.be/​2​P​c​Q​k​f​2​j​zBM
Mon­tage : https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​q​2​g​v​c​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​r​e​p​r​e​n​o​n​s​-​l​e​-​p​o​u​v​o​i​r​-​a​u​x​-​l​o​b​b​y​s​-​f​i​n​a​n​c​i​e​r​s​_​w​e​b​cam
Radio : https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​d​d​p​g​s​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​c​o​n​t​r​e​-​l​e​-​t​r​a​i​t​e​-​d​e​_​n​ews

Le mes­sage : REMIX amé­lio­ré : https://​you​tu​.be/​6​y​V​F​1​e​y​Z​lUU

extrait com­plot 02:23
et https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​o​l​5​2​9​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​s​u​r​-​l​a​-​t​h​e​o​r​i​e​-​d​u​-​c​o​m​p​l​o​t​_​w​e​b​c​a​m​?​s​e​a​r​c​h​_​a​l​g​o=1
=>et 15:55

mon­tage best of http://​www​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​p​l​a​y​e​r​_​e​m​b​e​d​d​e​d​&​v​=​3​u​u​_​N​d​s​P​oHQ

vidéos ouvertes à la Tra­duc­tion
=>Etienne 10 rai­sons de sor­tir de l’UE 13

=>Etienne @Sylvain Durain(vol moné­taire-consti­tu­tion) 28/09/2011
12 (15:11)–44c5-b495-8e830aed445d
2/2 (15:00) http://​dot​sub​.com/​v​i​e​w​/​1​2​6​3​c​f​f​7​-​2​d​1​5​-​4​6​4​1​-​b​b​5​9​-​9​c​a​0​6​a​a​6​b​511
ET EN ENTIER (30:11) https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​d​n​k​o​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​l​e​-​p​r​o​b​l​e​m​e​-​d​u​-​v​o​l​-​m​o​n​e​t​a​i​r​e​-​e​t​-​d​e​-​l​a​-​c​o​n​s​t​i​t​u​t​i​o​n​_​w​e​b​cam

=>Etienne @Sylvain Durain (abus lan­gage nov­langue) http://​dot​sub​.com/​v​i​e​w​/​0​c​f​e​b​7​c​9​-​a​c​0​f​-​4​b​4​d​-​9​e​3​9​-​5​d​e​d​6​b​1​c​c​901
ET https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​d​j​w​2​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​l​e​s​-​a​b​u​s​-​d​e​-​l​a​n​g​a​g​e​-​e​t​-​l​a​-​n​o​v​l​a​n​g​u​e​_​w​e​b​cam

=>Etienne @SylvainDurain (dette Etat pro­vi­dence)
ET https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​d​q​t​y​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​l​a​-​d​e​t​t​e​-​e​t​-​l​a​-​f​i​n​-​d​e​-​l​-​e​t​a​t​-​p​r​o​v​i​d​e​n​c​e​_​w​e​b​cam

=>Etienne @ Syl­vain Durain (liber­té d’ex­pres­sion vraie)
Dot­sub ENG 100%
ET https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​d​d​z​l​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​l​a​-​l​i​b​e​r​t​e​-​d​-​e​x​p​r​e​s​s​i​o​n​-​l​a​-​v​r​a​i​e​-​d​e​m​o​c​r​a​t​i​e​-​l​a​-​c​u​l​t​u​r​e​_​w​e​b​cam

Etienne @Lyon Par­tie I

Etienne @Marseille3 23/04/11
DL ITA 90% POR 10%

ESP, POR, Sué­dois en cours
Ama­ra http://​www​.uni​ver​sal​sub​titles​.org/​f​r​/​v​i​d​e​o​s​/​G​H​n​N​a​j​2​1​B​E​V​m​/​i​n​f​o​/​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​c​h​e​r​c​h​e​u​r​-​e​n​-​c​a​u​s​e​-​d​e​s​-​c​a​u​s​e​s​-​t​e​d​x​r​e​p​u​b​l​i​q​u​e​s​q​u​a​re/

Pro­jets clos

Etienne @Six-fours 20/02/2011
6 min https://​you​tu​.be/​F​x​z​Q​r​P​m​T​Clg ou https://​you​tu​.be/​h​t​o​z​N​s​r​M​J6g MODÈLE DU BUZZ-VIRUS 88000 vues et tous les dou­blons : ‑https://​you​tu​.be/​m​K​j​L​F​-​4​j​N8o @
-https://​you​tu​.be/​b​Z​_​H​Z​I​o​I​F8Y @
-https://​you​tu​.be/​v​a​k​d​5​x​p​y​RHg @
-https://​you​tu​.be/​y​d​A​i​s​D​L​n​vpQ @
-https://​you​tu​.be/​x​y​t​J​p​t​i​-​y44 pas contac­té
-https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​l​g​d​z​l​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​l​-​a​r​n​a​q​u​e​-​d​e​-​l​-​i​m​p​o​t​-​s​u​r​-​l​e​-​r​e​v​e​n​u​_​n​ews (ori­gi­nale!!)

@Marseille1 23/04/11 DL (FR+ENG) https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​i​h​t​u​k​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​c​o​n​f​e​r​e​n​c​e​-​s​u​r​-​l​a​-​c​r​e​a​t​i​o​n​-​m​o​n​e​t​a​i​r​e​-​m​a​r​s​e​i​l​l​e​_​n​ews

@Marseille2 23/04/11
DL(FR+POR) https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​j​d​u​w​v​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​s​u​r​-​l​-​i​n​f​l​a​t​i​o​n​_​n​ews

@Marseille3 23/04/11
DL(ENG+GER+ESP) en cours (ITA+PO

@TEDX https://​you​tu​.be/​o​N​5​t​d​M​S​X​WV8
Dot­sub (FR, ENG)–4989-a66a-a2c835efdd8a
Ama­ra (Fr, ENG)

https://​you​tu​.be/​f​E​w​C​J​E​b​J​9Pc 10 rai­sons
https://​you​tu​.be/​M​2​A​D​w​7​h​Z​iT0 Marseille3
https://​you​tu​.be/​E​V​6​0​a​q​B​D​6H4 Marseille3
https://​you​tu​.be/​v​k​W​7​G​S​W​x​WK0 TedX
https://​you​tu​.be/​s​M​0​C​a​f​j​1​oy0 TedX
https://​vimeo​.com/​4​0​9​4​4​205 TedX
https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​q​8​1​m​2​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​c​h​e​r​c​h​e​u​r​-​e​n​-​c​a​u​s​e​-​d​e​s​-​c​a​u​s​e​s​_​n​ews TedX
https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​q​6​w​7​n​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​c​h​e​r​c​h​e​u​r​-​e​n​-​c​a​u​s​e​-​d​e​s​-​c​a​u​s​e​s​_​w​e​b​cam TedX
https://​you​tu​.be/​R​B​R​X​2​z​U​9​KkE 10 rai­sons de sor­tir de l’UE
https://​you​tu​.be/​k​C​V​2​O​G​F​7​gI4 10 rai­sons
https://​you​tu​.be/​R​S​k​u​u​l​d​A​RHw 10 rai­sons
https://​www​.dai​ly​mo​tion​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​x​k​k​y​x​c​_​e​t​i​e​n​n​e​-​c​h​o​u​a​r​d​-​1​0​-​r​a​i​s​o​n​s​-​d​e​-​s​o​r​t​i​r​-​d​e​-​l​-​u​n​i​o​n​-​e​u​r​o​p​e​e​n​n​e​_​n​ews 10 rai­sons
https://​you​tu​.be/​L​t​I​o​k​3​0​_​bDw Marseille1
https://​you​tu​.be/​D​U​-​z​F​A​_​4​Z6s Marseille1
https://​you​tu​.be/​5​h​m​5​j​_​l​8​uhU Mar­seille 3
https://​you​tu​.be/​b​j​h​F​b​_​-​w​BI0 Marseille3
https://​you​tu​.be/​3​G​H​Z​6​q​9​1​61c Marseille3

https://​you​tu​.be/​X​5​u​v​a​f​A​h​mCM TEDx Russe
https://​you​tu​.be/​O​l​_​R​d​j​T​h​yAY par­tie 2
https://​you​tu​.be/​5​_​B​e​f​1​5​m​ELk Bul­gare??

https://​you​tu​.be/​G​e​e​O​I​l​v​b​RpQ russe ?


Quel bou­lot !!!!

Mer­ci à tous les gen­tis virus (GV),
virus démo­cra­tiques qui essaient de col­ler la crève au monstre oli­gar­chique (trop fort pour nous, sans cela)
en le pri­vant de sa potion magique : le faux »suf­frage uni­ver­sel« qui a ren­du pos­sible (et qui ver­rouille encore) le capi­ta­lisme en don­nant 100% des pou­voirs aux plus riches (1%).


Bien ami­ca­le­ment.


Der­nière mise à jour de cette page : 18 octobre 2014.

Mer­ci à tous !!!





No Democracy without Sortition => the cause of the causes of our powerlessness is that we let the political professionals draw up and modify the Constitution


Par Étienne, jeu­di 1 novembre 2012 à 00:42 - Signes de vie d’une Europe des citoyens

No Demo­cra­cy without Sor­ti­tion :
the cause of the causes of our power­less­ness
is that we let the poli­ti­cal pro­fes­sio­nals draw up
and modi­fy the Constitution

First, here is the text (com­plete) of the 15 minutes syn­the­sis
that I had pre­pa­red for the TEDx confe­rence (on March 22nd, 2012 in Paris) :

L’homme qui parle anglais ci-des­sus s’ap­pelle Michael. Il habite non loin de chez moi. Il m’aide énor­mé­ment à m’ex­pri­mer en anglais, à l’é­crit et à l’o­ral, ici et ailleurs (et donc à semer nos graines d’i­dées plus loin, à tra­vers le monde). Je dois lui dire ma pro­fonde recon­nais­sance. Quand il parle anglais, c’est de la musique. Il est le plus gen­til des hommes. Mer­ci Michael.

I also pre­pa­red my contri­bu­tion for the Sor­ti­tion Work­shop in Tri­ni­ty Col­lege of Dublin (Ire­land, 12 Octo­ber 2012):

Étienne Chouard
Mar­seille, France

Lot­te­ry work­shop at Tri­ni­ty Col­lege of Dublin
11–12 Octo­ber 2012


This work­shop, which was about Sor­ti­tion as a demo­cra­tic Ins­ti­tu­tion, was based on an ini­tial text by Peter stone, Gil Delan­noi and Oli­ver Dow­len : http://​www​.tcd​.ie/​p​o​l​i​c​y​-​i​n​s​t​i​t​u​t​e​/​e​v​e​n​t​s​/​L​o​t​t​e​r​y​_​w​o​r​k​s​h​o​p​_​O​c​t​1​2​.​php

In order to be able to make an oral com­men­ta­ry on the ini­tial text, I had to pre­pare the fol­lo­wing writ­ten docu­ment. I hope that you find it useful.

Thank you for your kind invi­ta­tion and for your attention.

Étienne Chouard,
31 Octo­ber 2012,

PS : I don’t know if you wan­ted this trans­la­ted but it is some­thing I had alrea­dy corrected.


Com­ments on Peter Stone’s report (Dublin)

On Part 1
(bene­fits of dra­wing by lots in politics)

I have, myself, drawn up a list which recaps on the vices of elec­tions and the vir­tues of sor­ti­tion (Cf. Annexes). I have found most of these vir­tues in your report, and I shall the­re­fore not insist on our nume­rous points of agreement.

I should never­the­less like to high­light some impor­tant, but fre­quent­ly neglec­ted points :

  1. The equa­li­zing vir­tue of sor­ti­tion (the rulers of today are the ruled over of tomor­row) must be defen­ded not only for itself but for its main conse­quence i.e. rulers (pro­du­cers of the law) who know that they will soon become ruled over (sub­ject to the laws in ques­tion) will natu­ral­ly and mecha­ni­cal­ly take deci­sions that are in accor­dance with the public inter­est (because they know that they will be per­so­nal­ly impac­ted), whe­reas elec­tions, on the contra­ry, incite elec­ted repre­sen­ta­tives to draw up laws that are all the more severe and contra­ry to the public inter­est since they know that they them­selves will be shel­te­red from them (this always hap­pens when they are the people who draw up the constitution).
  2. This same vir­tue works the other way around (the ruled over of today will be the rulers of tomor­row) and has ano­ther impor­tant and peda­go­gi­cal knock-on effect that is well expres­sed by de Tocqueville :

« The jury is above all a poli­ti­cal institution.


By the jury I mean a cer­tain num­ber of citi­zens drawn by lot, and inves­ted with a tem­po­ra­ry right of judging.


The jury, and more espe­cial­ly the jury in civil cases, serves to com­mu­ni­cate the spi­rit of the judges to the minds of all the citi­zens ; and this spi­rit, with the habits which attend it, is the soun­dest pre­pa­ra­tion for a free people.

It imbues all classes with a res­pect for the thing jud­ged, and with the notion of right. If these two ele­ments be remo­ved, the love of inde­pen­dence is redu­ced to a mere des­truc­tive passion.

It teaches men to prac­tice equi­ty, eve­ry man learns to judge his neigh­bor as he would him­self be judged.


The jury teaches eve­ry man not to recoil before the res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of his own actions, and impresses him with that man­ly confi­dence without which poli­ti­cal vir­tue can­not exist.

It invests each citi­zen with a kind of magis­tra­cy, it makes them all feel the duties which they are bound to discharge towards socie­ty, and the part which they take in the Govern­ment. By obli­ging men to turn their atten­tion to affairs which are not exclu­si­ve­ly their own, it rubs off that indi­vi­dual ego­tism which is the rust of society.

The jury contri­butes most power­ful­ly to form the judg­ment and to increase the natu­ral intel­li­gence of a people, and this is, in my opi­nion, its grea­test advan­tage. It may be regar­ded as a gra­tui­tous public school ever open, in which eve­ry juror learns to exer­cise his rights, enters into dai­ly com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the most lear­ned and enligh­te­ned mem­bers of the upper classes, and becomes prac­ti­cal­ly acquain­ted with the laws of his coun­try, which are brought within the reach of his capa­ci­ty by the efforts of the bar, the advice of the judge, and even by the pas­sions of the parties.


I do not know whe­ther the jury is use­ful to those who are in liti­ga­tion ; but I am cer­tain it is high­ly bene­fi­cial to those who decide the liti­ga­tion ; and I look upon it as one of the most effi­ca­cious means for the edu­ca­tion of the people which socie­ty can employ.

What I have hither­to said applies to all nations »

(Source : Tocqueville.)

  1. The second vir­tue that we should highlight :

Sor­ti­tion (just like real demo­cra­cy) is based on a heal­thy and construc­tive MISTRUST of any power : it does NOT assume the vir­tue of the people who are desi­gna­ted (unlike elec­tion), and this power­ful fea­ture of REALISM explains the mul­ti­tude of fini­cky and per­ma­nent CONTROLS that neces­sa­ri­ly go with sortition.

This makes the dra­wing by lots a much safer pro­ce­dure for those who are being gover­ned, and by defi­ni­tion, a real (sus­tai­nable) gua­ran­tee against the abuse of power.

It should also be noted that this fact makes sor­ti­tion (with its per­ma­nent controls) a much bet­ter pro­ce­dure for assi­gning posi­tions in large poli­ti­cal communities.

  1. If I only had 5 minutes to talk about the poli­ti­cal bene­fits of sor­ti­tion, I would par­ti­cu­lar­ly insist on a very stri­king (and total­ly misun­ders­tood) fea­ture, if com­pa­red to elections :

In Athens, during the 200 years of sor­ti­tion, the RICH people NEVER conduc­ted the affairs (rich people were never nume­rous enough to take deci­sions at the Assem­bly), while, during the 200 years of elec­tions, the rich have ALWAYS been the ones who govern (rich people can easi­ly help their ser­vants to cap­ture the poli­ti­cal power by finan­cing their elec­to­ral cam­pai­gns ; and this plu­to­cra­tic regime was kind­ly cal­led « capi­ta­lism »), as if the elec­tion always gave power to the rich.

Please, note this.

I believe this sys­te­mic delin­king (uncou­pling) of eco­no­mic power and poli­ti­cal power (by put­ting poli­ti­cal power out of reach of the rich) is the most impor­tant effect of the dra­wing by lots and the inse­pa­rable cha­rac­te­ris­tic of a demo­cra­cy wor­thy of the name.

On part 2
(HOW to inte­grate dra­wing by lot in the institutions)

I see seve­ral ways of using sor­ti­tion in poli­tics, and it is impor­tant to dis­tin­guish these dif­ferent uses to avoid confu­sion, because the argu­ments dif­fer from one case to another :

  1. Full direct demo­cra­cy, like the Athe­nian one :repre­sen­ta­tives cho­sen by dra­wing by lots are wea­ke­ned, so that repre­sen­ta­tives remain ser­vants and can never become mas­ters.Sor­ti­tion is then used by the people to pro­tect their own power at the assem­bly against their representatives.
  2. Repre­sen­ta­tive govern­ment impro­ved by inte­gra­ting citi­zens in the exer­cise of power :
  • In addi­tion to the House of Par­ties, com­po­sed of pro­fes­sio­nal repre­sen­ta­tives like today,a second Legis­la­tive Cham­ber could be cho­sen at ran­dom : it would be cal­led the « House of Citi­zens’=> com­po­sed of ama­teurs, it would reflect the nation.
  • All esta­bli­shed bodies could be pla­ced under the dai­ly super­vi­sion ofseve­ral Control Cham­bers, all drawn by lot.
  • A« House of Refe­ren­dum », cho­sen at ran­dom, could exa­mine all sug­ges­tions, even the indi­vi­dual ones, to choose those to be sub­mit­ted to (the very essen­tial) popu­lar ini­tia­tive referendum.
  1. But (by far) the most impor­tant use of dra­wing by lot is that of the Consti­tuent Assem­bly :indeed, wha­te­ver the moda­li­ty cho­sen to inte­grate sor­ti­tion in our ins­ti­tu­tions (dra­wing by lot all offi­cials so that all citi­zens can be legis­la­tors, dra­wing by lot of one of the two legis­la­tive cham­bers, dra­wing by lot of the dif­ferent Control Cham­bers…),NONE of these reforms, abso­lu­te­ly none, will ever be imple­men­ted by an elec­ted Consti­tuent Assem­bly. EVER !

Any Consti­tuent Assem­bly elec­ted among pro­fes­sio­nal poli­ti­cians will always – by defi­ni­tion and inevi­ta­bly be poi­so­ned by the most serious conflicts of interest.

Elec­ted offi­cials will never be able to ins­ti­tute (against them­selves) the controls that we all need.

It is the­re­fore of the utmost impor­tance (and the moti­va­tion of my trip here is to come and talk about it), it is com­ple­te­ly stra­te­gic, to place the dra­wing by lots of the Consti­tuent Assem­bly at the fore­front of our priorities.

If not, we are condem­ned to ste­rile chat­ter of a people ren­de­red power­less by a false consti­tu­tion, because we do not attack the pro­blem at its root, because we ges­ti­cu­late about conse­quences without iden­ti­fying the cause of causes, while poli­ti­cians conti­nue to esta­blish the finest wor­kings of the plu­to­cra­cy which gua­ran­tees their anti­so­cial privilege.

Thank you for your kind invi­ta­tion and for your attention.

Étienne Chouard




The elec­tion is THE CAUSE which allows mer­chants to colo­nize the City

Many of us com­plain about the colo­ni­za­tion of our ima­gi­na­tion by mer­chants (that is to say, ulti­ma­te­ly, by the ban­kers, that are always beco­ming the richest mer­chants): gra­dual­ly, mer­chants suc­ceed in making us believe that yarn that « eve­ry­thing that has a price has a value and that eve­ry­thing that has no price has no value » while, on the contra­ry, all that real­ly mat­ters (love, quie­tude, hap­pi­ness, peace, pas­sion, ful­fillment, joy, honour …) does not have a price, and what has a price often has lit­tle or no real value.

But the nuclear heart of this colo­ni­za­tion of our ima­gi­na­tion (and of our ins­ti­tu­tions) by mer­chants, is the elec­tion because it is the elec­tion that allows the rich mer­chants to help the elec­ted to be elec­ted in order to make the elec­ted DEPENDENT on the rich, INDEBTED so to speak.

Some­how, ELECTION enables the gene­ra­li­za­tion in the poli­ti­cal are­na SERVITUDE BY DEBT, deve­lo­ped by the money mer­chants to force all people to work for them.

Through the poli­ti­cal mecha­nism of the elec­tion, the mer­chants place their mer­chant priests throu­ghout the social body in a posi­tion to influence public choices to their advantage.

THE WEAK LINK of this colo­ni­za­tion of poli­tics by eco­no­mics, IS THE ELECTION !

And this Achilles’ heel of the rich is within the reach of the poor, but only if the poor stop being so proud, thin­king stu­pid­ly (and denial of all the contra­ry facts that prove their error) that their col­lec­tive will (though easi­ly decei­ved) is bet­ter than chance (yet incor­rup­tible) in the desi­gna­tion of poli­ti­cal ser­vants of the city.

It would be easy and judi­cious to replace elec­tion by chance, the usual game­mas­ter in nature, and —expe­rience proves— always res­pect­ful of equi­li­brium and the sur­vi­val of all.

THINGS ARE WELL DONE BY CHANCE, we for­get it because of our pre­ten­tious­ness : chance is a pro­ba­bi­li­ty that is not sub­ject to our control (itself vul­ne­rable to bull­shit, easy to deceive); CHANCE IS INCORRUPTIBLE.

The ELECTION, IDEALISM sup­po­sing TRUST (before aban­do­ning the idea of governing)-vs- SORTITION, REALISM sup­po­sing MISTRUST (before orga­ni­zing to govern)

It is impor­tant to unders­tand a para­dox (or a contra­dic­tion): contra­ry to appea­rances, the elec­tion is based on trust, while the sor­ti­tion is based on mis­trust. The elec­tion is based on an ideal (in my opi­nion per­fect­ly inac­ces­sible and mas­king a fraud) that an elec­ted offi­cial would be righ­teous by the mere fact of being elec­ted and would remain dura­bly due to the same elec­tion (also inten­ded to enable a sanc­tion by non-ree­lec­tion), the people being sup­po­sed to be able to choose their mas­ters… which is extra­va­gant, a true myth, com­ple­te­ly unrealistic.

Whe­reas, on the contra­ry, the Athe­nians, very prag­ma­tic, knew them­selves well, dis­trus­ted each other and built ins­ti­tu­tions ack­now­led­ging the rea­li­ty of their imper­fec­tions and based on dis­trust, on per­ma­nent control of the repre­sen­ta­tives who were the mas­ters of nobo­dy ; ins­ti­tu­tions relying on the sta­ging of conflicts, on contra­dic­to­ry argu­ments, during public debates, in which no deci­sion could be taken without all having been for­ced to lis­ten and publi­cly refute the argu­ments of the worst opponents.

The elec­tion is a poli­ti­cal abdi­ca­tion, renun­cia­tion, a ges­ture of trust before consen­ting to obey for seve­ral years ; it is a poli­ti­cal orga­ni­za­tion that only leaves to people the hope­less right to choose their masters.

Whe­reas sor­ti­tion is at the heart of a poli­ti­cal orga­ni­za­tion which embo­dies a desire of all men to keep poli­ti­cal power and to appoint only ser­vile exe­cu­tors to represent them.

It must not be for­got­ten that in a demo­cra­cy, it is not the people who have been drawn by lot that are in power (they used to be cal­led « magis­trates »): it is the Assem­bly of People in body that exer­cises full poli­ti­cal power. The people drawn by lots only serve to per­form the tasks that the Assem­bly can not per­form itself : e.g., the pre­pa­ra­tion and publi­ca­tion of the agen­da, the exe­cu­tion of the deci­sions of the Assem­bly, the phy­si­cal orga­ni­za­tion of the draw, the accoun­ta­bi­li­ty, etc.

7 vices of the elec­tion and 11 vir­tues of sor­ti­tion, let’s recap :


  1. The elec­tion leads to lying : first to come to power and second­ly to keep it, because can­di­dates can not be elec­ted, and re-elec­ted, unless their image is good : it mecha­ni­cal­ly leads to lying, about the future and the past.
  2. Elec­tion leads to cor­rup­tion : “spon­so­red” poli­ti­cians must inevi­ta­bly « return the favor » to their spon­sors, those who have finan­ced their elec­tion cam­pai­gn : so, cor­rup­tion is inevi­table, by the very exis­tence of the cam­pai­gn, the cost of which is inac­ces­sible to the can­di­date alone. The sys­tem of elec­tion the­re­fore allows, and even imposes, the cor­rup­tion of poli­ti­cians (which pro­ba­bly suits some weal­thy eco­no­mic actors).

Thanks to the prin­ciple of rui­nous cam­pai­gns, our repre­sen­ta­tives are for sale (and our free­doms along with it).

  1. The elec­tion encou­rages the grou­ping into leagues and sub­mits poli­ti­cal action to clans and espe­cial­ly to their lea­ders, with its pro­ces­sion of tur­pi­tudes lin­ked to the logic of hie­rar­chi­cal orga­ni­za­tions and the ultra prio­ri­ty (cri­ti­cal) the quest for power.

Poli­ti­cal par­ties impose their can­di­dates, which makes our choices arti­fi­cial. Because of the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of poli­ti­cal groups in elec­to­ral com­pe­ti­tion (unfair com­pe­ti­tion), the elec­tion deprives the most iso­la­ted indi­vi­duals of any chance to par­ti­ci­pate in govern­ment of the City and this fos­ters the lack of poli­ti­cal inter­est (or even rejec­tion) by the citizens.

  1. The elec­tion dele­gates… and the­re­fore exempts (keep away) citi­zens from dai­ly poli­ti­cal acti­vi­ty and pro­motes the for­ma­tion of castes of elec­ted people, poli­ti­cal pro­fes­sio­nals for life, moving away from their consti­tuents to final­ly no lon­ger represent anyone but them­selves, tur­ning the pro­tec­tion pro­mi­sed by the elec­tion into a poli­ti­cal muzzle.
  2. The elec­tion only ensures the legi­ti­ma­cy of elec­ted people without any gua­ran­tee of dis­tri­bu­tive jus­tice in the dis­tri­bu­tion of charges : an Assem­bly of offi­cials and doc­tors can not unders­tand the com­mon good as would an Assem­bly drawn by lot.

An elec­ted Assem­bly is never representative.

  1. Para­doxi­cal­ly, the elec­tion stifles resis­tance against the abuse of power : it reduces our pre­cious free­dom of speech to an epi­so­dic vote eve­ry five years, vote per­ver­ted by a fake bipar­tism offe­ring only false choices. The advice of « use­ful vote » is a poli­ti­cal gag.
  2. The elec­tion selects by defi­ni­tion those who seem « the best », some citi­zen dee­med to be super­ior to the voters, and the­re­by for­feits the prin­ciple of equa­li­ty (yet pos­ted eve­ryw­here, fal­se­ly): by construc­tion, the elec­tion desi­gnates more lea­ders who look for power (domi­na­tors) ins­tead of repre­sen­ta­tives who accept power (media­tors, lis­te­ning and ser­ving the citizens).

The elec­tion is dee­ply aris­to­cra­tic, not demo­cra­tic at all. The term « demo­cra­tic elec­tion » is an oxy­mo­ron (a blend of contra­dic­to­ry words).

A major disad­van­tage of this elite, it is this fee­ling of power that deve­lops in the elec­ted repre­sen­ta­tives to the point where they final­ly take any liberties.

IN FACT, for 200 years (since the ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry), the elec­tion has always given poli­ti­cal power to the rich and only to them, never to the others : the elec­tion of poli­ti­cal repre­sen­ta­tives enables COUPLING poli­ti­cal power and eco­no­mic power, in a las­ting man­ner, gra­dual­ly crea­ting irres­pon­sible and unac­coun­table mons­ters wri­ting the laws for them­selves and appro­pria­ting the mono­po­ly of public power for pri­vate gain.


  1. The pro­ce­dure of the draw is fair and impar­tial : it ensures dis­tri­bu­tive jus­tice (logi­cal conse­quence of the prin­ciple of poli­ti­cal equa­li­ty sta­ted as cen­tral goal of democracy).
  2. The draw pre­vents cor­rup­tion (it even deters cor­rup­ters : it is impos­sible and unne­ces­sa­ry to cheat, it avoids intrigues): lea­ving no room for any will, nei­ther for the one nor the other, it gives no chance to chea­ting or mani­pu­la­tion of of people’s will.
  3. The draw never creates ran­cour : no vani­ty to have been cho­sen, no resent­ment at not having been cho­sen : it has vir­tues to paci­fy the City, systemically.
  4. All par­ti­ci­pants, repre­sen­ta­tives and repre­sen­ted are real­ly made equal.
  5. Chance, repro­du­cing rare­ly twice the same choice, natu­ral­ly leads to the rota­tion of res­pon­si­bi­li­ties and mecha­ni­cal­ly pre­vents the for­ma­tion of a poli­ti­cian class always ten­ding to pride them­selves on their condi­tion and always see­king to enjoy privileges.

The major pro­tec­tive prin­ciple is this : the gover­nors are more res­pect­ful of the gover­ned when they know with cer­tain­ty that they will soon return them­selves to the ordi­na­ry condi­tion of the governed.

  1. The draw is easy, fast and economical.
  2. Chance and large num­bers natu­ral­ly and mecha­ni­cal­ly, make for a repre­sen­ta­tive sample. Nothing bet­ter than the draw to com­pose an Assem­bly that looks exact­ly like the people who want to be repre­sen­ted. No need for quo­tas, no risk of intrigues.
  3. Kno­wing that he may be drawn encou­rages eve­ry citi­zen to learn and to par­ti­ci­pate in public contro­ver­sy : it is a peda­go­gi­cal way of intel­lec­tual emancipation.
  4. Having been drawn pushes citi­zens to for­get their per­so­nal preoc­cu­pa­tions and to be concer­ned about the com­mon world ; their desi­gna­tion and the public eyes pla­ced upon them encou­rage them to learn and to deve­lop skills through their work, just as it does for poli­ti­cians : it is a peda­go­gi­cal way towards citi­zen res­pon­sa­bi­li­ty, all citizens.
  5. To pre­fer the dra­wing by lots is to refuse giving up power of direct suf­frage to the Assem­bly, and it is to attri­bute the highest impor­tance to effec­tive controls of all repre­sen­ta­tives : so, the draw accom­pa­nied by dras­tic controls at all levels, is bet­ter sui­ted than the elec­tion (which assumes that voters are fami­liar with elec­ted offi­cials and their dai­ly actions) to large enti­ties. (While we usual­ly hear the opposite.)
  6. IN FACT, for 200 years of dra­wing by lots eve­ry day (the fifth and fourth cen­tu­ry before JC in Athens), the rich NEVER gover­ned, and the poor always did. (The rich lived very com­for­ta­bly, do not wor­ry, but they could not just grab without limi­ta­tion, for want of poli­ti­cal control.)

This is essen­tial : mecha­ni­cal­ly, inevi­ta­bly, irre­sis­ti­bly, the draw uncouples poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic power. This is a very cle­ver way to wea­ken the powers in order to prevent abuse.

It is the­re­fore temp­ting to think that it is the elec­tion of poli­ti­cians who made « capi­ta­lism » pos­sible (we should bet­ter say « scu­mism »), and that the draw would deprive the capi­ta­lists of their prin­ci­pal tool of domination.

Étienne Chouard




Toc­que­ville, « Demo­cra­cy in Ame­ri­ca »,
Chap­ter XVI : Causes Miti­ga­ting Tyran­ny in the Uni­ted States –
Part II Trial by Jury in the Uni­ted States Consi­de­red as a Poli­ti­cal Institution

Since I have been led by my sub­ject to recur to the admi­nis­tra­tion of jus­tice in the Uni­ted States, I will not pass over this point without adver­ting to the ins­ti­tu­tion of the jury.

Trial by jury may be consi­de­red in two sepa­rate points of view, as a judi­cial and as a poli­ti­cal institution.

If it ente­red into my present pur­pose to inquire how far trial by jury (more espe­cial­ly in civil cases) contri­butes to insure the best admi­nis­tra­tion of jus­tice, I admit that its uti­li­ty might be contested.

As the jury was first intro­du­ced at a time when socie­ty was in an unci­vi­li­zed state, and when courts of jus­tice were mere­ly cal­led upon to decide on the evi­dence of facts, it is not an easy task to adapt it to the wants of a high­ly civi­li­zed com­mu­ni­ty when the mutual rela­tions of men are mul­ti­plied to a sur­pri­sing extent, and have assu­med the enligh­te­ned and intel­lec­tual cha­rac­ter of the age.*

[*The inves­ti­ga­tion of trial by jury as a judi­cial ins­ti­tu­tion, and the appre­cia­tion of its effects in the Uni­ted States, toge­ther with the advan­tages the Ame­ri­cans have deri­ved from it, would suf­fice to form a book, and a book upon a very use­ful and curious sub­ject.
The State of Loui­sia­na would in par­ti­cu­lar afford the curious phe­no­me­non of a French and English legis­la­tion, as well as a French and English popu­la­tion, which are gra­dual­ly com­bi­ning with each other. See the “Digeste des Lois de la Loui­siane,” in two volumes ; and the “Traite sur les Regles des Actions civiles,” prin­ted in French and English at New Orleans in 1830.]

My present object is to consi­der the jury as a poli­ti­cal ins­ti­tu­tion, and any other course would divert me from my subject.

Of trial by jury, consi­de­red as a judi­cial ins­ti­tu­tion, I shall here say but very few words. When the English adop­ted trial by jury they were a semi-bar­ba­rous people ; they are become, in course of time, one of the most enligh­te­ned nations of the earth ; and their attach­ment to this ins­ti­tu­tion seems to have increa­sed with their increa­sing culti­va­tion. They soon spread beyond their insu­lar boun­da­ries to eve­ry cor­ner of the habi­table globe ; some have for­med colo­nies, others inde­pendent states ; the mother-coun­try has main­tai­ned its monar­chi­cal consti­tu­tion ; many of its off­spring have foun­ded power­ful repu­blics ; but whe­re­ver the English have been they have boas­ted of the pri­vi­lege of trial by jury.* They have esta­bli­shed it, or has­te­ned to re-esta­blish it, in all their settlements.

A judi­cial ins­ti­tu­tion which obtains the suf­frages of a great people for so long a series of ages, which is zea­lous­ly rene­wed at eve­ry epoch of civi­li­za­tion, in all the cli­mates of the earth and under eve­ry form of human govern­ment, can­not be contra­ry to the spi­rit of justice.**

[*All the English and Ame­ri­can jurists are una­ni­mous upon this head. Mr. Sto­ry, judge of the Supreme Court of the Uni­ted States, speaks, in his “Trea­tise on the Fede­ral Consti­tu­tion,” of the advan­tages of trial by jury in civil cases : – “ The ines­ti­mable pri­vi­lege of a trial by jury in civil cases ‑a pri­vi­lege scar­ce­ly infe­rior to that in cri­mi­nal cases, which is coun­ted by all per­sons to be essen­tial to poli­ti­cal and civil liber­ty… .” (Sto­ry, book iii., chap. viii.)

**If it were our pro­vince to point out the uti­li­ty of the jury as a judi­cial ins­ti­tu­tion in this place, much might be said, and the fol­lo­wing argu­ments might be brought for­ward among­st others : –

By intro­du­cing the jury into the busi­ness of the courts you are enabled to dimi­nish the num­ber of judges, which is a very great advan­tage. When judges are very nume­rous, death is per­pe­tual­ly thin­ning the ranks of the judi­cial func­tio­na­ries, and laying places vacant for new­co­mers. The ambi­tion of the magis­trates is the­re­fore conti­nual­ly exci­ted, and they are natu­ral­ly made dependent upon the will of the majo­ri­ty, or the indi­vi­dual who fills up the vacant appoint­ments ; the offi­cers of the court then rise like the offi­cers of an army.

This state of things is enti­re­ly contra­ry to the sound admi­nis­tra­tion of jus­tice, and to the inten­tions of the legis­la­tor. The office of a judge is made inalie­nable in order that he may remain inde­pendent : but of what advan­tage is it that his inde­pen­dence should be pro­tec­ted if he be temp­ted to sacri­fice it of his own accord ? When judges are very nume­rous many of them must neces­sa­ri­ly be inca­pable of per­for­ming their impor­tant duties, for a great magis­trate is a man of no com­mon powers ; and I am incli­ned to believe that a hal­fen­ligh­te­ned tri­bu­nal is the worst of all ins­tru­ments for attai­ning those objects which it is the pur­pose of courts of jus­tice to accomplish.

For my own part, I had rather sub­mit the deci­sion of a case to igno­rant jurors direc­ted by a skil­ful judge than to judges a majo­ri­ty of whom are imper­fect­ly acquain­ted with juris­pru­dence and with the laws.]

I turn, howe­ver, from this part of the sub­ject. To look upon the jury as a mere judi­cial ins­ti­tu­tion is to confine our atten­tion to a very nar­row view of it ; for howe­ver great its influence may be upon the deci­sions of the law courts, that influence is very subor­di­nate to the power­ful effects which it pro­duces on the des­ti­nies of the com­mu­ni­ty at large.

The jury is above all a poli­ti­cal ins­ti­tu­tion, and it must be regar­ded in this light in order to be duly appreciated.

By the jury I mean a cer­tain num­ber of citi­zens drawn by lot, and inves­ted with a tem­po­ra­ry right of judging.

Trial by jury, as applied to the repres­sion of crime, appears to me to intro­duce an emi­nent­ly repu­bli­can ele­ment into the govern­ment upon the fol­lo­wing grounds:-

The ins­ti­tu­tion of the jury may be aris­to­cra­tic or demo­cra­tic, accor­ding to the class of socie­ty from which the jurors are selec­ted ; but it always pre­serves its repu­bli­can cha­rac­ter, inas­much as it places the real direc­tion of socie­ty in the hands of the gover­ned, or of a por­tion of the gover­ned, ins­tead of lea­ving it under the autho­ri­ty of the Government.

Force is never more than a tran­sient ele­ment of suc­cess ; and after force comes the notion of right. A govern­ment which should only be able to crush its ene­mies upon a field of bat­tle would very soon be des­troyed. The true sanc­tion of poli­ti­cal laws is to be found in penal legis­la­tion, and if that sanc­tion be wan­ting the law will soo­ner or later lose its cogen­cy. He who punishes infrac­tions of the law is the­re­fore the real mas­ter of socie­ty. Now the ins­ti­tu­tion of the jury raises the people itself, or at least a class of citi­zens, to the bench of judi­cial autho­ri­ty. The ins­ti­tu­tion of the jury conse­quent­ly invests the people, or that class of citi­zens, with the direc­tion of society.*

[*An impor­tant remark must, howe­ver, be made. Trial by jury does unques­tio­na­bly invest the people with a gene­ral control over the actions of citi­zens, but it does not fur­nish means of exer­ci­sing this control in all cases, or with an abso­lute autho­ri­ty. When an abso­lute monarch has the right of trying offences by his repre­sen­ta­tives, the fate of the pri­so­ner is, as it were, deci­ded befo­re­hand. But even if the people were pre­dis­po­sed to convict, the com­po­si­tion and the non-res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of the jury would still afford some chances favo­rable to the pro­tec­tion of innocence.]

In England the jury is retur­ned from the aris­to­cra­tic por­tion of the nation;** the aris­to­cra­cy makes the laws, applies the laws, and punishes all infrac­tions of the laws ; eve­ry­thing is esta­bli­shed upon a consistent foo­ting, and England may with truth be said to consti­tute an aris­to­cra­tic republic.

[**This may be true to some extent of spe­cial juries, but not of com­mon juries. The author seems not to have been aware that the qua­li­fi­ca­tions of jurors in England vary exceedingly.]

In the Uni­ted States the same sys­tem is applied to the whole people. Eve­ry Ame­ri­can citi­zen is qua­li­fied to be an elec­tor, a juror, and is eli­gible to office.* The sys­tem of the jury, as it is unders­tood in Ame­ri­ca, appears to me to be as direct and as extreme a conse­quence of the sove­rei­gn­ty of the people as uni­ver­sal suf­frage. These ins­ti­tu­tions are two ins­tru­ments of equal power, which contri­bute to the supre­ma­cy of the majority.

All the sove­rei­gns who have cho­sen to govern by their own autho­ri­ty, and to direct socie­ty ins­tead of obeying its direc­tions, have des­troyed or enfee­bled the ins­ti­tu­tion of the jury. The monarchs of the House of Tudor sent to pri­son jurors who refu­sed to convict, and Napo­leon cau­sed them to be retur­ned by his agents.

Howe­ver clear most of these truths may seem to be, they do not com­mand uni­ver­sal assent, and in France, at least, the ins­ti­tu­tion of trial by jury is still very imper­fect­ly unders­tood. If the ques­tion arises as to the pro­per qua­li­fi­ca­tion of jurors, it is confi­ned to a dis­cus­sion of the intel­li­gence and know­ledge of the citi­zens who may be retur­ned, as if the jury was mere­ly a judi­cial ins­ti­tu­tion. This appears to me to be the least part of the sub­ject. The jury is pre-emi­nent­ly a poli­ti­cal ins­ti­tu­tion ; it must be regar­ded as one form of the sove­rei­gn­ty of the people ; when that sove­rei­gn­ty is repu­dia­ted, it must be rejec­ted, or it must be adap­ted to the laws by which that sove­rei­gn­ty is esta­bli­shed. The jury is that por­tion of the nation to which the exe­cu­tion of the laws is entrus­ted, as the Houses of Par­lia­ment consti­tute that part of the nation which makes the laws ; and in order that socie­ty may be gover­ned with consis­ten­cy and uni­for­mi­ty, the list of citi­zens qua­li­fied to serve on juries must increase and dimi­nish with the list of elec­tors. This I hold to be the point of view most wor­thy of the atten­tion of the legis­la­tor, and all that remains is mere­ly accessory.

I am so enti­re­ly convin­ced that the jury is pre-emi­nent­ly a poli­ti­cal ins­ti­tu­tion that I still consi­der it in this light when it is applied in civil causes.

Laws are always uns­table unless they are foun­ded upon the man­ners of a nation ; man­ners are the only durable and resis­ting power in a people.

When the jury is reser­ved for cri­mi­nal offences, the people only wit­nesses its occa­sio­nal action in cer­tain par­ti­cu­lar cases ; the ordi­na­ry course of life goes on without its inter­fe­rence, and it is consi­de­red as an ins­tru­ment, but not as the only ins­tru­ment, of obtai­ning justice.

This is true a for­tio­ri when the jury is only applied to cer­tain cri­mi­nal causes.

When, on the contra­ry, the influence of the jury is exten­ded to civil causes, its appli­ca­tion is constant­ly pal­pable ; it affects all the inter­ests of the com­mu­ni­ty ; eve­ryone coope­rates in its work : it thus pene­trates into all the usages of life, it fashions the human mind to its pecu­liar forms, and is gra­dual­ly asso­cia­ted with the idea of jus­tice itself.

The ins­ti­tu­tion of the jury, if confi­ned to cri­mi­nal causes, is always in dan­ger, but when once it is intro­du­ced into civil pro­cee­dings it defies the aggres­sions of time and of man. If it had been as easy to remove the jury from the man­ners as from the laws of England, it would have per­ished under Hen­ry VIII, and Eli­za­beth, and the civil jury did in rea­li­ty, at that per­iod, save the liber­ties of the country.

In wha­te­ver man­ner the jury be applied, it can­not fail to exer­cise a power­ful influence upon the natio­nal cha­rac­ter ; but this influence is pro­di­gious­ly increa­sed when it is intro­du­ced into civil causes.

The jury, and more espe­cial­ly the jury in civil cases, serves to com­mu­ni­cate the spi­rit of the judges to the minds of all the citi­zens ; and this spi­rit, with the habits which attend it, is the soun­dest pre­pa­ra­tion for a free people.

It imbues all classes with a res­pect for the thing jud­ged, and with the notion of right. If these two ele­ments be remo­ved, the love of inde­pen­dence is redu­ced to a mere des­truc­tive passion.

It teaches men to prac­tice equi­ty, eve­ry man learns to judge his neigh­bor as he would him­self be jud­ged ; and this is espe­cial­ly true of the jury in civil causes, for, whil­st the num­ber of per­sons who have rea­son to appre­hend a cri­mi­nal pro­se­cu­tion is small, eve­ry one is liable to have a civil action brought against him.

The jury teaches eve­ry man not to recoil before the res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of his own actions, and impresses him with that man­ly confi­dence without which poli­ti­cal vir­tue can­not exist.

It invests each citi­zen with a kind of magis­tra­cy, it makes them all feel the duties which they are bound to discharge towards socie­ty, and the part which they take in the Govern­ment. By obli­ging men to turn their atten­tion to affairs which are not exclu­si­ve­ly their own, it rubs off that indi­vi­dual ego­tism which is the rust of society.

The jury contri­butes most power­ful­ly to form the judg­ment and to increase the natu­ral intel­li­gence of a people, and this is, in my opi­nion, its grea­test advan­tage. It may be regar­ded as a gra­tui­tous public school ever open, in which eve­ry juror learns to exer­cise his rights, enters into dai­ly com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the most lear­ned and enligh­te­ned mem­bers of the upper classes, and becomes prac­ti­cal­ly acquain­ted with the laws of his coun­try, which are brought within the reach of his capa­ci­ty by the efforts of the bar, the advice of the judge, and even by the pas­sions of the par­ties. I think that the prac­ti­cal intel­li­gence and poli­ti­cal good sense of the Ame­ri­cans are main­ly attri­bu­table to the long use which they have made of the jury in civil causes.

I do not know whe­ther the jury is use­ful to those who are in liti­ga­tion ; but I am cer­tain it is high­ly bene­fi­cial to those who decide the liti­ga­tion ; and I look upon it as one of the most effi­ca­cious means for the edu­ca­tion of the people which socie­ty can employ.

What I have hither­to said applies to all nations, but the remark I am now about to make is pecu­liar to the Ame­ri­cans and to demo­cra­tic peoples.

I have alrea­dy obser­ved that in demo­cra­cies the mem­bers of the legal pro­fes­sion and the magis­trates consti­tute the only aris­to­cra­tic body which can check the irre­gu­la­ri­ties of the people. This aris­to­cra­cy is inves­ted with no phy­si­cal power, but it exer­cises its conser­va­tive influence upon the minds of men, and the most abun­dant source of its autho­ri­ty is the ins­ti­tu­tion of the civil jury.

In cri­mi­nal causes, when socie­ty is armed against a single indi­vi­dual, the jury is apt to look upon the judge as the pas­sive ins­tru­ment of social power, and to mis­trust his advice. Moreo­ver, cri­mi­nal causes are enti­re­ly foun­ded upon the evi­dence of facts which com­mon sense can rea­di­ly appre­ciate ; upon this ground the judge and the jury are equal.

Such, howe­ver, is not the case in civil causes ; then the judge appears as a disin­te­res­ted arbi­ter bet­ween the conflic­ting pas­sions of the par­ties. The jurors look up to him with confi­dence and lis­ten to him with res­pect, for in this ins­tance their intel­li­gence is com­ple­te­ly under the control of his learning.

It is the judge who sums up the various argu­ments with which their memo­ry has been wea­ried out, and who guides them through the devious course of the pro­cee­dings ; he points their atten­tion to the exact ques­tion of fact which they are cal­led upon to solve, and he puts the ans­wer to the ques­tion of law into their mouths. His influence upon their ver­dict is almost unlimited.

If I am cal­led upon to explain why I am but lit­tle moved by the argu­ments deri­ved from the igno­rance of jurors in civil causes.

I reply, that in these pro­cee­dings, whe­ne­ver the ques­tion to be sol­ved is not a mere ques­tion of fact, the jury has only the sem­blance of a judi­cial body.

The jury sanc­tions the deci­sion of the judge, they by the autho­ri­ty of socie­ty which they represent, and he by that of rea­son and of law.*

In England and in Ame­ri­ca the judges exer­cise an influence upon cri­mi­nal trials which the French judges have never pos­ses­sed. The rea­son of this dif­fe­rence may easi­ly be dis­co­ve­red ; the English and Ame­ri­can magis­trates esta­blish their autho­ri­ty in civil causes, and only trans­fer it after­wards to tri­bu­nals of ano­ther kind, where that autho­ri­ty was not acquired.

In some cases (and they are fre­quent­ly the most impor­tant ones) the Ame­ri­can judges have the right of deci­ding causes alone.** Upon these occa­sions they are acci­den­tal­ly pla­ced in the posi­tion which the French judges habi­tual­ly occu­py, but they are inves­ted with far more power than the lat­ter ; they are still sur­roun­ded by the remi­nis­cence of the jury, and their judg­ment has almost as much autho­ri­ty as the voice of the com­mu­ni­ty at large, repre­sen­ted by that institution.

Their influence extends beyond the limits of the courts ; in the recrea­tions of pri­vate life as well as in the tur­moil of public busi­ness, abroad and in the legis­la­tive assem­blies, the Ame­ri­can judge is constant­ly sur­roun­ded by men who are accus­to­med to regard his intel­li­gence as super­ior to their own, and after having exer­ci­sed his power in the deci­sion of causes, he conti­nues to influence the habits of thought and the cha­rac­ters of the indi­vi­duals who took a part in his judgment.

The jury, then, which seems to res­trict the rights of magis­tra­cy, does in rea­li­ty conso­li­date its power, and in no coun­try are the judges so power­ful as there, where the people par­takes their privileges.

It is more espe­cial­ly by means of the jury in civil causes that the Ame­ri­can magis­trates imbue all classes of socie­ty with the spi­rit of their profession.

Thus the jury, which is the most ener­ge­tic means of making the people rule, is also the most effi­ca­cious means of tea­ching it to rule well.

Source : http://​seas3​.elte​.hu/​c​o​u​r​s​e​m​a​t​e​r​i​a​l​/​L​o​j​k​o​M​i​k​l​o​s​/​A​l​e​x​i​s​-​d​e​-​T​o​c​q​u​e​v​i​l​l​e​-​D​e​m​o​c​r​a​c​y​-​i​n​-​A​m​e​r​i​c​a​.​pdf p 310 s.

* * * * *



No Demo­cra­cy without Sor­ti­tion :
the cause of the causes of our power­less­ness
is that we let the poli­ti­cal pro­fes­sio­nals draw up
and modi­fy the Constitution


Hel­lo :o)

I have come to talk to you about DEMOCRACY, REAL demo­cra­cy : the one that is INEXISTANT and the one we NEED today.

In 2005, during a public debate in France, I wrote a ten-page paper about what revol­ted me in the so-cal­led « consti­tu­tion » that was being pro­po­sed in the refe­ren­dum, and I sent this docu­ment to my close acquain­tances and I pos­ted it on my per­so­nal web­site. And then, eve­ry­thing was tur­ned upside down for me. This suc­cinct argu­ment in favour of the NO vote met an expec­ta­tion and cor­rec­ted a defi­cien­cy. And ordi­na­ry people sent this mes­sage to their contacts, eve­ryw­here in France and even in the world because they trans­la­ted it into 5 or 6 languages…and thanks to Inter­net it has become a big event. On retur­ning home from secon­da­ry school, after my courses, I ope­ned my mail­box and there, a flood of e‑mails began, eve­ry minute dozens of e‑mails, all eve­ning, all night. And in the fol­lo­wing months, I tried to reply to all these people, either people who COUNTED for me or people who were saying BAD THINGS about me ; I tried to be « EQUAL to the SITUATION ».

All the news­pa­pers, radio sta­tions, and tele­vi­sion chan­nels came by my house in order to unders­tand this phe­no­me­non, the meter on my web­site was going like a fan, up to 40,000 visits PER DAY(one hell of a review for a rea­ding panel, I can tell you…), 12, 000 mails in 2 months ! Intense mails, warm mails, deman­ding ones too… And all of this emo­tion stret­ched a BOW within me (and conti­nues to do so today).

I HAVE BEEN PROFOUNDLY CHANGED BY THE WAY OTHERS SEE ME : the gra­te­ful looks and the sus­pi­cious ones. My work has been nou­ri­shed by THE IMPORTANCE THAT I ATTACH TO THE WAY PEOPLE LOOK AT ME. And I dis­co­ve­red recent­ly that men have known for many years that it is impor­tant for the public inter­est : it’s cal­led VERGOGNE it encou­rages vir­tue and it gives cou­rage. For the Athe­nians, it was the foun­da­tion of the life of the City. Pla­to even consi­de­red that we should put to death the citi­zen who was « sha­me­less » extre­me­ly dan­ge­rous for the City. And I believe that this is an essen­tial concept even today.

So, after the refe­ren­dum, I conti­nued and I have been wor­king like a mad­man for the past six years :

And here, in a few words, is the rea­son why I have taken so much trouble :

1) I am trying to unders­tand the MAIN CAUSE OF SOCIAL INJUSTICE,

2) I have dis­co­ve­red the genial ideas upon which ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY was founded,

3) I have given back to cer­tain impor­tant words their REAL MEANING,

4) And I am reflec­ting about the GOOD INSTITUTIONS that would dura­bly pro­tect us, ALL OF US, against the abuse of power.

AND I SHARE THAT with all of those who wish that we should PROGRESS TOGETHER in CONSTANT contro­ver­sy. I am some­times SLANDERED or RECUPERATED OBVIOUSLY but that’s not so impor­tant. In any case, I NEED MY OPPONENTS IN ORDER TO PROGRESS Conse­quent­ly, I AM DOING MY BEST, I’m moving for­ward, I AM LOOKING.

And my method for sear­ching is the Hip­po­cra­tic method, per­haps the best idea in the world.)

This doc­tor used to say : LOOK FOR THE CAUSE OF THE CAUSES !

In other words, to treat an ill­ness, to solve a pro­blem, it is use­less to attack the conse­quences, of course, but also use­less to attack the various causes, given that eve­ry­thing has mul­tiple causes :

THERE IS ALWAYS A DECISIVE CAUSE (not the only one but the one that deter­mines all of the others). THIS IS THE ONE WE WANT.

So, of course I share the com­bat of my resis­tant friends (I have made a dia­gram to represent the tree of injus­tices and spe­cia­li­zed areas of com­bat) but I have obser­ved that the mili­tants ARE ALL FIGHTING AGAINST THE CONSEQUENCES : I have obser­ved that NONE IS CONSIDERING THE ROOT CAUSE. : for me, the ques­tion to be asked is « what makes all of these hor­rors POSSIBLE ? (Envi­ron­men­tal, eco­no­mic, social…).

It is pre­ci­se­ly this that we need to understand.


But then one asks, where does this power­less­ness of the people come from ? (I am constant­ly loo­king for the cause of the cause).

It has not just fal­len out of the sky, our power­less­ness : it is PROGRAMMED, in a higher text …

An ESSENTIAL TEXT about which nobo­dy could give a toss ! And it is cal­led the CONSTITUTION.

(Nobo­dy could give a hoot, except the mul­ti­na­tio­nals and the banks, take good note…)

It is in the consti­tu­tion that elec­ted mem­bers ARE NOT accountable,

It is in the consti­tu­tion that they CANNOT BE dismissed,

It is in the consti­tu­tion that we CANNOT free­ly choose our candidates,

It is in the consti­tu­tion that the powers ARE NOT separated,

It is in the consti­tu­tion that the people-ini­tia­ted refe­ren­dum is NOT pro­vi­ded for,

It is in the consti­tu­tion that the money is NOT public,

Etc. etc.

But this cause itself (this bad consti­tu­tion), has a PRIMARY cause : Who wrote this text???

How is it that eve­ryw­here in the world, at all times, ALL the consti­tu­tions pro­gram the power­less­ness of the people ? It is cer­tain­ly not a conspi­ra­cy : not eve­ryw­here, not always, it’s not pos­sible… No, this uni­ver­sal pro­cess has a pri­ma­ry and uni­ver­sal cause :

(pay atten­tion) The way I see it is, all of the human beings of the world by lazi­ness, by fear or by igno­rance, GIVE UP ON WRITING THEIR CONSTITUTION THEMSELVES and EVERYONE ACCEPTS THAT IT IS THE poli­ti­cal PROFESSIONALS (mem­bers of par­lia­ment, judges, minis­ters, par­ty mem­bers …) WHO DRAW UP AND MODIFY THE CONSTITUTION !

But one must unders­tand WHAT A CONSTITUTION IS, WHAT ITS PURPOSE IS, eve­ry citi­zen should know that :

We, « the people », need repre­sen­ta­tives, above us, having the power to pro­duce and apply writ­ten law, which paci­fies our socie­ty, by pre­ven­ting the arbi­tra­ry domi­na­tion of the strongest.

From the very begin­ning, we have known that this power is not only USEFUL but it is also DANGEROUS, ALL TYPES of power tend towards ABUSE, ALWAYS. (Mon­tes­quieu), it is like an impla­cable, phy­si­cal law and the brilliant tool to PROTECT US from abuses of power, is the CONSTITUTION.

The Consti­tu­tion is a text which serves to WEAKEN the powers that be. In order to do its job of pro­tec­ting, it must WORRY the powers that be. CONSEQUENTLY THEY MUST FEAR IT !


And yet it is easy to unders­tand and to pre­dict that the poli­ti­cal pro­fes­sio­nals when dra­wing up, them­selves, the rules sup­po­sed to frigh­ten them later, such people are in a situa­tion of CONFLICT of INTEREST, they are at one and the same time judge and jury=> in this spe­ci­fic case, they are UNABLE to be impar­tial : they are obvious­ly going to pro­gram THEIR power and OUR powerlessness.

And we can­not real­ly blame them : NOBODY is strong enough to com­mit poli­ti­cal hara-kiri, it’s nor­mal, any­bo­dy would do the same thing=> IT IS UP TO US, AND US ONLY TO FORBID THEM FROM WRITING, because they will not give it up of their own accord ! NEVER : the solu­tion will not come from them but from us.

Here it is then, the mother of causes (upon which we should UNITE so as to become STRONG): it is not the role of men in power to write the rules of power we must put an end to our resi­gna­tion on this point.

Well, the first deci­sive bat­tle is to give back to IMPORTANT words, their REAL MEANING :

Today, before any­thing else, I AM NOT A « CITIZEN » (a citi­zen is AUTONOMOUS, he votes his own laws), I AM ONLY AN « ELECTOR », that’s to say a poli­ti­cal infant, I AM « HETERONOMOUS » : i.e. I am sub­ject to the laws pas­sed by others than myself.

My « parents » in poli­tics, the elec­ted mem­bers, do not want me to eman­ci­pate myself from them, they do not want me to grow up and to become auto­no­mous : they refuse to let me vote myself for or against the laws to which I am submitted.

Let me remind you of the coup d’État of 4 Februa­ry 2008, during which our so-cal­led « repre­sen­ta­tives » impo­sed upon us, via par­lia­men­ta­ry vote the anti­cons­ti­tu­tio­nal trea­ty that we had just express­ly refu­sed by refe­ren­dum ! This poli­ti­cal rape is extre­me­ly serious and yet we have abso­lu­te­ly NO WAY of resis­ting, even that.

They say that we are « incom­petent » ! They treat us like children !

BUT THAT IS WELL AND TRULY OUR FAULT, per­haps we are chil­dren to a cer­tain extent (chil­dren believe in « Father Christ­mas », elec­tors believe in « uni­ver­sal suf­frage ») : WE ACCEPT to call « demo­cra­cy » (demos cra­tos, the power to the people ) ITS ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE : the so-cal­led modern « demo­cra­cy » what is it ? Well, it’s the only the right to 1) desi­gnate our MASTERS, 2) from among people we have NOT CHOSEN, 3) and without having any means of resis­ting a pos­sible betrayal bet­ween two elec­tions. 4) With, as well the RIGHT OF EXPRESSION —BUT WITHOUT ANY CONSTRAINING FORCE.—, 5) and that’s all.

The real name of this anti-demo­cra­tic regime is « REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT » (at least alle­ged­ly representative)

In fact, we agree to call « Consti­tu­tion » a text which is not one.. We need TO KNOW WHAT WE WANT : THE SIMPLE WORD consti­tu­tion OR THE REAL PROTECTION that it should pro­vide for ?

So ; to resist well, we must begin by a STRIKE AGAINST LYING WORDS such as « demo­cra­cy », « uni­ver­sal suf­frage », « citi­zen » et « consti­tu­tion », which HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE OPPOSITE MEANING by the POWER THIEVES.


SIEYÈS (one of the most influen­tial thin­kers of the French Revo­lu­tion), said in 1789 :

« Citi­zens who desi­gnate repre­sen­ta­tives aban­don and must aban­don making the laws them­selves ; they have no par­ti­cu­lar will to impose. If they dic­ta­ted their will, France would no lon­ger be that repre­sen­ta­tive State ; it would be a demo­cra­tic State. The people, I repeat, in a coun­try that is not a demo­cra­cy , (and France can­not be one), the people can only speak, can only act via their repre­sen­ta­tives ». Abbé SIEYÈS, speech of 7 Sep­tem­ber 1789.

Well, I think that that is clear, isn’t it ?

And this other quo­ta­tion, even more expli­cit from VOLTAIRE :

« A well orga­ni­zed socie­ty is one in which a small num­ber of people make a grea­ter num­ber of people work, is fed by them and governs them ». Vol­taire a demo­crat ? Pull the other one… Oligarch !

HISTORY has shown us in detail the SHAM and the PERMANENT RIGGING of REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT for over 200 years => I warm­ly recom­mend you to watch the videos of Hen­ri Guille­min on the net.

And those people knew very well what they were doing, they knew very well that what they wan­ted was « elec­tion » not dra­wing lots :

ALL OF THE THINKERS OF THE WORLD BEFORE 1789, from Pla­to-Aris­totle to Mon­tes­quieu-Rous­seau, KNEW and wrote that

1) ELECTION IS ARISTOCRATIC BY NATURE, THUS OLIGARCHIC and that 2) THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PROCEDURE IS THE DRAWING OF LOTS, accom­pa­nied by THOUSANDS OF CHECKS of the people that the luck of the draw has designated.

Read these two quo­ta­tions, 2,000 years apart :

Aris­totle : « Elec­tions are aris­to­cra­tic and not demo­cra­tic : they intro­duce an ele­ment of deli­be­rate choice of the selec­tion of the best citi­zens, the aris­toi, ins­tead of govern­ment by the people as a whole ».

Mon­tes­quieu : « Suf­frage via lots is the nature of demo­cra­cy ; suf­frage by choice is the nature of aristocracy. »

OK, this is not a hare-brai­ned idea of old man Chouard… It is a ques­tion of DEFINITIONS, to be res­pec­ted SO THAT WORDS MAY HAVE A MEANING, SO THAT THEY SHOULD KEEP THEIR « TRUE MEANING ». And it is like that THE WHOLE WORLD OVER.

I should like to refer to his­to­ry and to facts. : WE HAVE TWO, QUITE LONG, HISTORICAL EXPERIENCES : demo­cra­cy and thus the dra­wing of lots, Athens for over 200 years, 2,500 years ago, and repre­sen­ta­tive govern­ment and thus the elec­tion, for over 200 years too, since 1789 => look at the RESULTS :

1) I draw your atten­tion, Ladies and Gent­le­men to the FACT that, for over 200 years, the dra­wing of lots ALWAYS gave power to the poo­rest, « the 99% » (look at the two cen­tu­ries of demo­cra­cy in Athens, there are no exceptions).

2) WHEREAS expe­rience shows us that an ELECTION ALWAYS GIVES POWER TO THE RICHEST 1% (look at the last 200 years, there are no exceptions).

=> So my cen­tral ques­tion is : « HOW MUCH LONGER ARE THE POOR (the 99%) GOING TO PREFER ELECTION to DRAWING OF LOTS???» (against their most obvious interests).

Our pre­fe­rence for elec­tions is incom­pre­hen­sible. There are only MYTHS to explain it : the dra­wing of lots hasn’t been taught for 200 years at the school cal­led « repu­bli­can ». (eve­ry­day they drum it into us that « elections=democracy, democracy=elections…), which explains the intel­lec­tual dif­fi­cul­ty we have in taking this pro­ce­dure on board , the pro­ce­dure that we need so bad­ly (all over the world) to get out of the mess we are in : it takes TIME TO BE DISINTOXICATED.

The dra­wing of lots frigh­tens you ? To reas­sure you, I must warn you against a frequent MISUNDERSTANDING :

In a demo­cra­cy, it is not the people who are cho­sen by lots who decide ! Dra­wing lots serves PRECISELY to WEAKEN THE REPRESENTATIVES (broad­ly spea­king, they are the people who pre­pare the laws and those who apply it : civil ser­vants, police, judges…) => with the dra­wing of lots, we wea­ken these repre­sen­ta­tives SO THAT THEY REMAIN OUR SERVANTS AND NEVER BECOME OUR MASTERS => DRAWING LOTS IS THE GUARANTEE THAT THE PEOPLE WILL REMAIN SOVEREIGN.

I haven’t got time to deve­lop this, but don’t dis­miss too qui­ck­ly the dra­wing of lots in poli­tics : there are LOTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON EARTH WHICH ARE WORKING PERFECTLY : A case in point is BRITISH COLOMBIA (near Van­cou­ver) which had its whole elec­to­ral code rewrit­ten (com­plex and sizeable) by an assem­bly com­po­sed of people who had been desi­gna­ted by the dra­wing of lots, and the sto­ry they told the jour­na­lists, these simple citi­zens alar­med at first but reas­su­red after­wards beco­ming com­petent through their work, and final­ly with tears in their eyes at the moment they sub­mit­ted their text, proud as can be for having suc­cee­ded and obtai­ning 57% of the refe­ren­dum. … All of the expe­riences of citi­zen juries cho­sen by dra­wing lots have revea­led an unde­niable com­pe­tence of the ordi­na­ry citizen.

But let’s be care­ful : to defend this idea of dra­wing lots (for the Consti­tuent assem­bly at least, and pos­si­bly repre­sen­ta­tives after­wards), we can only count on our­selves, nor­mal people, at the base, those who DON’T WANT power.

At this point, I would like to share with you this won­der­ful thought by Alain (the great phi­lo­so­pher), who used to say :


In an elec­to­ral regime, which gives power to those who want it, Alain is right ; the worst will govern.

But on the contra­ry, the dra­wing of lots can get us out of this trap by pro­po­sing power to all of those who don’t want it. (and who are often the best among­st us).

=> We must spread the word, among­st us, among­st « nor­mal » people and we must all become « trai­ners of trai­ners » so that we can QUICKLY become bil­lions of « white cells » (or « well-mea­ning viruses ») dis­se­mi­na­ting a simple and power­ful idea, an idea which aims pre­ci­se­ly (with all of our uni­ted forces) at the Achilles’ heel of the oli­gar­chy : WE DEMAND THE HONESTY OF THE CONSTITUENT PROCESS BY REPLACING ELECTION BY A DRAWING OF LOTS AND THE FORMING OF THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY BY THIS MEANS

15 minutes, it’s too short, I haven’t been able to show you the link (essen­tial !) bet­ween MONEY and the consti­tu­tion (indis­so­ciable).

I don’t have time here to say more : you must go and look for the rest on the web and in books WORK. Have a look at le​-mes​sage​.org for example.


This idea that I am buil­ding with you, IT WILL WORK FOR EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD

And if there are REALLY LOTS OF US, it will be suf­fi­cient to WANT IT for that to arrive WITHOUT VIOLENCE.

Thank you.

Étienne Chouard.





What a job !

